Saturday, September 25, 2010


This was a very special project and I was greatly honored (and very nervous) to be asked to sculpt this horse. This is Hi-Hats Bubba, a very dear horse who was owned by Liz Graves. This sculpture was a gift from Joanna Swartz to Liz.

McKenzie and Peanut

This is another relief sculpt that I did this summer.


I'm working on a full body sculpt of a beautiful TWH gelding affectionately known as G. You can read more about him and his person on their blog. Kate asked me if I could do a full body sculpt and I said I thought so so this has been coming along slowly in the background. He'll be my main focus soon as I'm close to finishing up several other pieces.


This is my first finished relief piece. It was inspired by a picture of my mare Libby taken when she was a yearling.

This was my first try at molding and casting.

And here are 16 finished Libbys. They went to a dear friend, Joanna Swartz, to be given to the participants at her clinic this weekend with Liz Graves.

The Do-Man Updated

It's time for some long overdue updates. Here is a more recent picture of this sculpture. He's almost done now and I will get new pictures of the finished piece soon. Cheryl made the mistake of telling me I could keep him as long as I wanted since she has the real thing! 

And here are some of the reference pictures I have used.